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The Fly
Episode Studies
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This is the home of PopApostle's studies of The Fly, the 1986 classic science-fiction horror film, its sequel and comic book continuation by IDW Publishing. I will be presenting my studies relating to each, such as commentary on the science described, sound bits of memorable dialog, screen grabs and my own musings. I'll be presenting them in the chronological order in which each story takes place in-universe.


Although there are no television "episodes" in the Fly canon, I am continuing to use the term "episode" as I have elsewhere on PopApostle, as a separable piece in the continuous narrative of a larger story.

The Fly The Fly II The Fly: The Book of Transgenesis The Fly: Quarantine The Fly: Metamorphosis
The Fly The Fly II "The Book of Transgenesis" "Quarantine" "Metamorphosis"
Movie Movie The Fly: Outbreak #1 (IDW) The Fly: Outbreak #2 (IDW) The Fly: Outbreak #3 (IDW)
An eccentric but brilliant scientist accidentally transforms himself in the course of a ground-breaking experiment.  The son of Seth Brundle comes of age. Years after Martin Brundle reverses his condition, he unsuccessfully tries to cure the deformed Bartok. After exposure to Bartok's transgenes, Martin and others at Bartok Industries are placed in indefinite quarantine by the government. The transgene-infected begin changing into Frankenflies.
The Fly: All Hell Breaks Loose The Fly: The Book of Revelation
"All Hell Breaks Loose" "The Book of Revelation"      
The Fly: Outbreak #4 (IDW) The Fly: Outbreak #5 (IDW)      
Martin and Beth are forced to face off against the transformed Noelani. Return of Martinfly.      
Sidebar Studies
The Fly (short story) The Fly (1958) Return of the Fly Curse of the Fly  
"The Fly" The Fly Return of the Fly Curse of the Fly  
Short story 1958 Movie Movie Movie  
A scientist develops a matter teleporter. What could possibly go wrong? A scientist develops a matter transporter and then puts himself through it, with catastrophic results. The son of the Fly attempts to recreate his father's experiments. The Delambre family secretly continues experiments in teleportation.