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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr


Indiana Jones
"Tomb of the Gods" Part 1
Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods
Dark Horse Comics
Story: Rob Williams
Pencils: Steve Scott
Inks: Nathan Massengill
Colors: Michael Atiyeh
Letters: Michael Heisler
Cover: Tony Harris
June 2008

Indy is ambushed by an ancestral heritage branch of the Nazi SS while answering a summons from Dr. Henrik Mellberg.


Read the story summary at the Indiana Jones Wiki


Notes from the Indiana Jones chronology


This issue has a one-page prologue sequence taking place in Siberia, 1931, but then moves ahead to 1936. A mock-up of Indy's passport on the inside front cover of all four issues of this mini-series suggests it takes place in late May and early June of 1936.


Didja Know?


Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods is a four-issue comic book mini-series that was published by Dark Horse Comics in 2008.


Notes from The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones


The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones is a 2008 publication that purports to be Indy's journal as seen throughout The Young Indiana Chronicles TV series and the big screen Indiana Jones movies. The publication is also annotated with notes from a functionary of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation, the successor agency of the Soviet Union's KGB security agency. The KGB relieved Indy of his journal in 1957 during the events of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The notations imply the journal was released to other governments by the FSB in the early 21st Century. However, some bookend segments of The Young Indiana Chronicles depict Old Indy still in possession of the journal in 1992. The discrepancy has never been resolved. 


The journal as published does not mention the events of this mini-series, going from the end of The Temple of Doom to Indy trying to track the whereabouts of Dr. Abner Ravenwood and segueing into the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Characters appearing or mentioned in this issue


Russian guide

Henrik Mellberg (dies in this issue)
Francis Beresford-Hope
Marwell O'Brien

Dr. Friedrich Von Hassell

Nazi Ahnenerbe

Indiana Jones

Janice Le Roi (housekeeper/treasure hunter)

construction workers

NYPD officers

Marcus Brody 


Didja Notice?


The prologue of this issue opens in Siberia, 1931, north of the city of Norilsk. Siberia is a large, often harsh, thinly-populated region of Russia. 


In the prologue, the Russian guide fears what will happen if he and his charges are discovered in the mine as, he says, "Stalin values his diamond mines." Josef Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s through 1952.


Von Hassell claims that the snake kept in a terrarium in Mellberg's apartment is a king cobra. But it appears to be an Indian cobra, based on the spectacle pattern on the back of its hood. King cobras do not have that pattern, they have chevron-shaped stripes instead. The agent's claim that the king cobra mainly eats other snakes is accurate.


When a housekeeper walks in on the Nazi agents threatening Indy, Von Hassell claims they are rehearsing a play by Bertolt Brecht and tells her to go away. Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) was a German playwright and poet known for using his plays as forums for his political ideas, which largely leant towards communism.


Mellberg informs Indy that Von Hassell and his agents are with the Ahnenerbe, the ancestral heritage branch of the SS, dedicated to archaeology surrounding the superiority of the Aryan race and the occult. This is an accurate description of the Ahnenerbe branch of Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel), the secret police of Nazi Germany from 1925-1945.


As Indy and Mellberg exit the secret passageway onto the roof of Mellberg's apartment building on a double-page spread of the New York City skyline, the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building are seen prominently on the left and right pages, respectively. A few biplanes are also seen flying over the city, including the closest, yellow-colored one with aircraft registration number C3PO, which happens to be the name of the golden-hued protocol droid character in the Star Wars films! However, this would not have been a legitimate registration number for the time, as it should be letters only and be in the format of A-BCDE.


On page 10, Manhattan is a borough of New York City. 


Page 18 correctly depicts Indy as a professor at Marshall College. The image of the college in panel 1 is essentially a "posterized" version of a film shot from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Marshall College in this issue. Marshall College in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Marcus says he knew Beresford-Hope back in Oxford University.


The airplane Indy and Marcus take to Tibet on page 19 appears to be a DC-3. The plane seen here as aircraft registration number OB1, a completely unreal airplane registration number, meant as another wink to the Star Wars saga and its sage character of Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Indy tells Marcus the cave they've finally reached is where a guy he paid in Lhasa said a crazy Englishman lives, whom they are hoping is the missing Beresford-Hope. Lhasa is the capital city of Tibet.


As Indy says on page 21, chang is a type of beer, brewed in Nepal and Tibet.


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